ETH Adapters

Nocturne does not natively support transferring or receiving ETH. Because of this limitation, we require adapter contracts for a select few use cases. Currently, these include sending ETH to new addresses and using staking protocols (e.g. RocketPool and Lido).

ETH Transfer Adapter: Receives WETH, converts to ETH, and transfers that ETH to the specified address.

RocketPool Adapter: Receives WETH, converts to ETH, deposits ETH into the RocketPool deposit contract, gets RETH in return, and transfers the outstanding RETH back to the caller.

wstETH Adapter: Receives WETH, converts to ETH, deposits ETH to the wstETH token contract, gets wstETH back from Lido, and transfers the outstanding wstETH back to the caller.

Last updated